Ian Jindal

Leadership and transformation in multichannel retail and eCommerce

Closing keynote at the Bazaarvoice Social Commerce Summit

Last year I spoke at the Bazaarvoice Social Media Summit event at the Magic Circle, so I was pleased to return this year for an enlarged event, held at the wonderful Shakespeare’s Globe.SCS 2009 London-270 by owiber.jpeg

The day’s agenda is here: http://www.socialcommercesummit.co.uk/agenda.html and you can also see photos of the event on the Flickr set – http://www.flickr.com/photos/owiber/sets/72157622418861263/.

Ze Frank’s presentation was excellent: dynamic, engaging and inspiring – and delivered with energy and humour. His life is a blend of conceptual art, social experiments and situationalist improv. I rather fancy being him if and when I ever grow up. Surely, the biggest plus point of the interwebs is that they provide a milieu for minds like Ze’s to thrive?

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I developed some themes from earlier in the year – epiphenomenology in particular – linking this to the idea of engagement and the challenges of relevance, culminating in the ‘profit per engagement-second’ metric suggestion.

Sam Decker’s given a great round-up of the day on the BV blog – http://www.bazaarvoice.com/blog/2009/10/13/summit-up-bazaarvoice-wraps-uk-social-commerce-summit/.

Congratulations to the BV team (and the ‘master of ceremonial preparation’, Jacob Salamon, for organising such a fun event.

UPDATE: some nice real-time responses to my presentation on Twitter:

Brett Hurt
Twitter : Brett Hurt: Ian Jindal of Internet Ret ..._1255283213577.png

Justin Goring

Twitter : Justin Goring: Ian Jindal of Internet Ret ..._1255283262311.png

Björn Woltermann



