Ian Jindal

Leadership and transformation in multichannel retail and eCommerce

Speaking roundup: May through July

It’s been a busy time on the speaking front – so busy that I’ve been remiss in posting details. Here’s a quick roundup of activities…

1) Econsultancy’s Future of Digital Marketing in June 2009 – Keynote

This is one of my favourite events. This year, 350 senior marketers and digital strategists congregated at the Congress Hall in London.


I was really pleased to give the closing Keynote and you can see my slides on Slideshare:

PS084 Future of Digital Marketing – “Making and Measuring Marketing Magic”

View more presentations from Ian Jindal.
2) ACSEL’s London Tour
Just before the FODM I spoke at a gathering of French retailers and journalist who were visiting the UK both as a research and networking visit, and to gather information for an upcoming ACSEL book (you may recall that in 2008 Internet Retailing co-published the ACSEL book ‘L’Europe – une opportunité pour l’ecommerce”).
ACSEL can be found here: http://www.associationeconomienumerique.fr/
My presentation focused upon Social Media marketing in retail.
Ps082 Acsel Londontour

View more presentations from Ian Jindal.
3) Prosodie’s Etail Conference in Paris
Prosodie, a company I’d met via ACSEL, organised an interesting morning’s conference in Paris in July and gathered a group of leading French retailers, etailers and significant suppliers for a morning’s session of case studies and presentation.
I gave a perspective on trends in the UK, especially focusing upon multichannel trends, and although I spoke mainly in English the presentation was immeasurably improved by my excellent French slide deck – courtesy of Katherine Lavallois – merci!
Here’s the presentation on Slideshare:

View more presentations from Ian Jindal.
Please note that you can see upcoming speaking activity on: http://net.ianjindal.com/speaking-and-events-calendar/



